John Teeling

44 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I blame John Teeling for the way I feel today

I explain why my old friend is to blame for the state I am in. I then move on to Helium One (HE1) and why its advisers and CEO should be strung up with piano wire, Chill Brands (CHLL) and why it should do the placing it so clearly needs before March, Alien Metals (UFO) and then more on Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), surely a cracking idea for a tip of the year?


826 days ago

Vast Resources – again playing fast & loose with AIM rules: deceiving investors and letting down the saintly Dr Teeling

The good doctor Teeling, boss of Botswana Diamonds (BOD) is, as you many know, the only AIM CEO to have seen me naked. But today it is Dr Teeling who is left exposed having been let down, as predicted here, by the scoundrels at worthless POS Vast Resources (VAST). A good Nomad would have warned him against engaging with such wastrels but Dr Teeling uses the services of London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish. Enough said.


917 days ago

Vast Resources /Botswana Diamonds - $4 million black hole: statement needed now

As you may know, John Teeling of Botswana Diamonds (BOD) is the only AIM boss to have seen me with no clothes on. But it is not fond memories of Clontarf veterans rugby team that brings him to mind today. It is a $4 million black hole that his company and, more specifically, Vast Resources (VAST) need to address with an RNS first thing Monday.


1944 days ago

Is my wife’s Bristol "tradition" just a middle class fantasy? Anyone want a broken pushchair covered in cat hair?

The house is now on the market as we prepare for a move up to the Grim North. We already have five viewings lined up for Saturday so keep your fingers crossed. Ahead of that day I have been working hard at clearing out six years of accumulated junk in the garage.  There have been one or two rather good finds. There was a package marked fragile.


2405 days ago

Photo Article - Teeling Distillery Dublin ( Bearcast on tour)

You may know John Teeling from a host of small AIM stocks like Botswana Diamonds (BOD). But his real passion as been his whiskey businesses. I should say that my friend and comrade in veterans rugby is a non drinker. The Teeling distillery in Dublin is just two years old and is actually managed by John's two sons but the old man takes a massive fatherly interest. I recorded a bearcast in the offices there on Friday but also had a tour of what is a working distillery. You can too and if you are in Dublin I'd recommed it big time. I sould declare that Jon did not try to bribe me with any free samples. But it is never too late and he has my address..


3793 days ago

In defence of John Teeling & David Horgan at Petrel

We ran a piece yesterday by Doc Holiday on Petrel Resources (PET) and on its bosses Dr John Teeling and David Horgan. I approved it for publication because I like Shareprophets writers to say what they think not what I might think. But I think it was harsh on the Irish fellows.

I declare an interest in that I have known John and David for years. I like them both. They are clever and entertaining. I also play rugby very now and again with John in the Clontarf Veterans side. That is an amazing achievement for both us. Me because I am very unfit. John because he is 107. Only kidding, John. But he is not quite as young as he once was.


4193 days ago

Petrel Resources – Valuation Not Justifiable

Apologies to my friends John Teeling and David Horgan who run AIM listed Irish oil explorer Petrel Resources (PET) but the valuation of your company is just not justifiable. At 19.375p the company is valued at £14.4 million. Even the house broker Northland gives a valuation range of 3.6p (base case) to 14p (maximum best case). The share price is simply far too high and here is why.
